Heavy Snow in Tamba Sasayama!


It has been cold every day here in Japan. How is everyone doing?
In Tamba Sasayama, the lowest temperature has been around -5°C, and we recently had a heavy snow.

Usually, even when it snows, the sun would come out around noon and the snow melts away, but this time is different! The snow has been sticking around for several days now.
With the price of kerosene rising almost daily in this cold weather (we use kerosene heater), both my body and wallet are feeling the chill… 😵

But spring will surely come! Let's endure this winter while dreaming of that day!

We are connected with the guests who stayed at our place through SNS, and I occasionally share information about Sasayama with them. When I sent the photos this time, they replied with comments like, "It's beautiful!" "It looks like ink paintings!" and "I was just thinking about Sasayama." Some of them even sent me their photos to show how their area looks like. It's wonderful to stay connected like this. 🥰
I'm looking forward to reuniting with those guests again!

The photo is from a few days ago when the first heavy snow fell. The photos of Kozoji temple were taken by the temple priest. It's so lovely that I borrowed them. 

The heavy snow is happening in many areas especially up north in Japan. It may be good for tourists, but not so good for the residents.
To everyone in regions affected by record snowfall, please stay safe. 🙏

I hope warm spring arrives soon… 🌸